Tag Hardcore WoW

John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
Wowhead interview with Linny Cooke-Saverline and Tim Jones discussing the upcoming WoW Classic Season of Discovery. They cover topics such as hardcore self-found mode, PvP changes, balancing, and potential new tier sets. The developers address player concerns and discuss the future of the game.
John Barrymore October 17, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post explores the various interesting ways players have died in Hardcore WoW Classic after seven weeks of gameplay. It includes death clips from popular streamers and highlights the ongoing OTK Mok'gora $100,000 Tournament. If you want to learn more about Hardcore in Classic WoW, check out the provided guides for an overview, tips & tricks, and leveling tier list.
John Barrymore October 04, 2023 3 minutes
Participate in the thrilling Mak'gora Tournament on Hardcore WoW Classic realms and stand a chance to win a share of the $100,000 prize pool. Create a Horde character on the SKULL ROCK Hardcore Realm, register on Raider.IO Classic, and embark on the journey from level 1 to 60 to compete in the ultimate Mak'gora Duel to the Death Tournament.
John Barrymore September 25, 2023 5 minutes
Discover the exciting and perilous world of Hardcore in Classic WoW with our latest blog post showcasing the most interesting and dangerous ways players have met their demise. From unexpected threats to fatal mistakes, these death clips offer a glimpse into the challenging nature of Hardcore gameplay. Don't miss out on our comprehensive guides and tips to navigate this intense gaming experience.